Salt Lamps

Make your home healthier with a Himalayan salt lamp

Salt lamps are beautiful to look at and create a soft ambient light to any room. But did you know they also create a healthier environment in your home?

Reasons to place a salt lamp in every room: 

1. Cleanses and deodorizes the air.
Salt lamps purify the air through the power of “hygroscopy” meaning they attract water molecules from the surrounding environment then absorb all the negative molecules leaving the air clean and fresh. 

2. Reduces allergy and asthma symptoms.
Salt lamps remove microscopic dust, pet dander, mold and mildew from the air, reducing common allergy and asthma symptoms. 

3. Helps reduce coughing.
Okay, time for a chemistry lesson! Most homes are filled with positively charged ions, which typically are not good for your health. These positive ions are generated mostly from electronic devices. Breathing lots of positive ions makes the cilia (microscopic hairs) that line the trachea become sluggish and not work as efficiently to keep contaminants out of the lungs. Salt lamps cleanse the air and produce negative ions that have the opposite effects on our airways. 

4. Increases energy.
Do you always feel more energized when you spend time at the ocean, hiking on a peaceful trail or even taking a relaxing shower before bed? All these activities produce negative ions very similar to a salt lamp. By keeping a salt lamp in a room you spend most of your time in, you’ll get that energy boost after about a week. 

5. Neutralizes electromagnetic radiation.
In today’s world, we are surrounded by our smartphones, tablets, computers and TVs. All of these electronics create an invisible flood of electromagnetic radiation that can increase stress levels, cause chronic fatigue and decrease the body’s immune response. A salt lamp produces negative ions in the air, which work to neutralize electromagnetic radiation making your environment healthier. 

6. Promotes better sleep.
A good night’s sleep is precious. With our homes filled with electronics (how many of you sleep with your smartphone by the bed?), the positive ions these devices produce can reduce the blood oxygen supply to the brain, resulting in poor, restless sleep. Place a beautiful salt lamp on your nightstand and let it offset the effects of your devices. As an extra bonus, a salt lamp makes a great night light. 

7. Improves mood and concentration.
Can salt lamps actually make you happy? Yes! The negative ions not only improve oxygen in the blood, but they can boost serotonin levels, improving your mood and concentration. After a hard day, turn on your salt lamp and let those negative ions naturally help you feel better! 

8. Treats seasonal affective disorder.
The warm natural light of a salt lamp can actually relieve symptoms of seasonal affective disorder. On those gray winter days, add a few salt lamps to the room to give you more energy and improve your mood. 

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